Drinking Sunshine...
We decided to get a juicer, so of course, I wanted to get the best juicer possible! I researched and found that there are 2 types of juicers out there, centrifugal and masticating. Centrifugal juicers are more commonly seen in stores like Bed, Bath & Beyond, Macy's etc. - they are generally less expensive and do a really nice job at juicing fruit. They also perform the juicing by generating heat during the very fast spinning of the blades in a circular motion. Masticating juicers are less common, tend to be more expensive, better made and last a lot longer. They perform the juicing by 'chewing' the food and do not create heat, which kills the live enzymes and nutrients that you want from juicing in the first place. So, after comparing, I decided on the Omega 8005 - this juicer is so fantastic! It is pretty compact, super easy to clean and use and juices fruit, veggies, greens and wheat grass. You can make nut butters (we have not attempted this yet!). Our favorite juicer trick is to peel ripe bananas, freeze them in a Ziploc bag and then take 1, let it sit on the counter for about 1 minute, break it in half and put it in the Omega...it comes out like Banana Ice Cream - YUMMY - you can put sliced almonds, chocolate, whatever toppings - it is so freaking good. I can't wait until the summer, I am going to be juicing all kinds of things, making Gazpacho, watermelon-mint coolers, peach juice, on and on and on....Anyway - if you are in the market for a juicer, I highly recommend this one. Here is a link from the site I ordered it from http://juicers.livingright.com/item209.omega-juicer-8005.html if you call the 1800# on that page and ask for a discount code you will save another $20 to $25 off the listed price and they offer free shipping. I couldn't find it cheaper anywhere else!